We've chatted about cloud spend before. In fact, it's an area we specialise in.

Before we start, what is cloud computing and storage?

Simply put, cloud computing is a series of existing online services that you can use to store stuff and keep things running. Data, software, security, that whole shebang. This is opposed to hardware, or services you have to host and manage yourself on-site.

What are the advantages of cloud computing and storage for businesses?

  • It's easily available at the click of a button.
  • It can be scaled up or down based on demand. You don't need to plan months or years in advance. We're talking super flexibility.
  • It's managed by a team of experts. One less thing to worry about.

So how is this relevant to now?

In this current climate, where remote working is now the norm, teams are being downsized and their work upscaled, the dependence on cloud services and its storage capabilities are more critical than ever. And keeping costs down for this? Just as vital.

With the econonmy having taken an unprecedented shift, a lot of companies are seeing one of two scenarios taking place:

  • Their services are being used more by customers
  • Their teams are being put into stasis

In either scenario, managing and reducing cloud spend could be just the thing to solidify the robustness of your software infrastructure. Lowering costs and improving performance will help those who are seeing spikes in their service offering and need to cater to this demand, quickly. It will also help stabilise spend for those who have seen customer leverage reduce, and in turn establish a solid foundation for when things are on the up again.

We're here to help you navigate these uncertain times and consult on how to balance and reduce your current cloud spend.

But how would we go about this? We've broken down the most common areas that lead to higher cloud operating costs.

1. Assessing configuration and load

Cloud cost is variable dependant on the type of service and how it's been configured. Reviewing this and actioning changes can cut costs dramatically.

2. Change in team size

Whether your team has grown or has reduced, we can assess whether your cloud set up services this change. And from this, we can consult on how to lower costs.

3. Dynamic pricing models

If you have seen an increase in customer demand, now is the time to investigate dynamic pricing models for cloud services. A significant uptake in demand can lead to cloud spend quickly being dialled up to 11, but we can advise on how to get the cloud services you need without the massive price hike.

Looking for help with reducing cloud service expenditure?

We've got the expertise to help tailor your cloud service to exactly what you need to it be right now.

You can contact us here, message us over on LinkedIn or send us a tweet.